Nicklaus儿童医院是2020年Press Ganey卓越卓越奖患者体验类别的获得者。Press Ganey是一家为医疗机构提供患者体验测量、绩效分析和战略咨询解决方案的领先供应商,每年都会颁发卓越成就奖,以表彰那些多年来保持高水平绩效的客户。
“It is a great honor to receive this award reflecting the sustained high level of satisfaction among our hospitalized patients and families,” said Perry Ann Reed, President, Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, and Senior Vice President, Chief Operating Officer of Nicklaus Children’s Health System, the hospital’s parent organization. “This achievement is a tribute to our clinical teams who utilize patient and family feedback from Press Ganey surveys to develop practices that advance our organizational focus of delivering amazing patient care by always putting patients and families first. We are pleased that these collective efforts are fulfilling the expectations of those we are privileged to serve.”
Press Ganey在35年前率先开展了改善医疗绩效的运动。今天,Press Ganey提供了一套集成的解决方案,使企业能够跨越患者的旅程进行转型。通过建立在数据安全基础上的尖端数字平台,Press Ganey解决方案解决了安全性、卓越临床、患者体验和员工参与问题。该公司与超过41,000家医疗机构合作,致力于减少患者痛苦,增强护理人员的适应力,以提高整体安全性、质量和体验。